FHUSA-TSA Precisely where movement starts

Experience and tradition
Purely industrial in nature, TransmecánicaS.A. (TSA) started in 1973 as a manufacturer of gear shaper cutters. Moving forward, the company began an ongoing growth as a manufacturer of a wide range of gear cuttingtools and quality control instruments. TSA is now an established worldwide reference in this sector.
In 2009, TSA acquired FHUSA (Spanish gear hob producer since 1944) combining the quality, technology and expertise of two well-known gear precision tool manufacturers.
FHUSA-TSA produces the broadest range of cylindrical gear cutting tools, still maintaining the flexibility and quick response of a medium sized company.
Main Customers:
Main customers are found in the following markets:
- Automotive
- Agricultural
- Wind power
- Mining
- Oil & gas
- Machinery and its corresponding replacement markets.
Our technological resources

FHUSA-TSA uses state-of-the-art technology at each stage of their production processes and controls and assures the quality of all tools manufactured.
The accumulated know-how throughout all those years and the vast knowledge of the requirements in the production of cutting tools, has led the company to develop its own software and machinery for the most critical operations, guaranteeing the self-imposed standard of excellence.
- Own development of software which interacts with CAD design, enabling to virtually recreate the operating conditions of the tool
- CNC machining centres
- EDM machines
- Vacuum heat treatment
- 5 axis CNC grinding machines
- CNC inspection centres
- Worldwide leading suppliers of raw material
- Daily PVD coating service
- Leader transport companies for fast and secure delivery
After-sales services: sharpening, coating and reprofiling
In addition to its own plant in Argentina, FHUSA-TSA works with specific partners in Europe, USA and China to ensure customers the excellent performance of its gear cutting tools throughout the life of every tool.
We also collaborate with prestigious laboratories for analysis and measurement of samples, to tackle new projects and to eventually diagnose technical problems.